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Scam lettersForeign men must be attentive with personal ads of charming brides, Russian ladies & sexy gorgeous babes

Letters from mariya bushueva
Letter 1
Hello my love I very much appreciate your sensitive care of me, you the present gentleman it are very noble from your party, you which man I searched for all life. I want to be with you and only with you. I can not wait for a meeting with you to arrive to embrace you and a kiss. Today I have found out how it is more convenient to you to send money to me. To me have told that system Western Union the most convenient and fast system of remittances. Only it will be necessary for you to send money I need 12000 dollars to my name. Here these data: My first name: Mariya My last name: Bushueva country RUSSIA After you to send me money to you should give a special code (MTCN) which is necessary for informing me. As I should know your full name and the name of a city from which you will send me a remittance. Please, do not overlook to write to me this information, differently I can not receive money in bank. I LOVE YOU; I WANT YOU, YOU FOREVER IN MY HEART, IN MY IDEAS. I dream, how you will carry me on hands to embrace me, to kiss and caress my gentle body. I hope soon to see your letter. Your letters have filled in my heart pleasure and happiness. You have shown me, that I can love again, I know it because I grieve without you. I to love you and I start to understand, that love this such strong feeling, I am glad, that I could test it due to you. Yours forever Masha!!! P.S My love I the simple person, therefore I have no bank account. It is a pity to me, but it is valid so.

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