AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Julia Alekseevna
Second name: Titar
Age: 28
Country: Ukraine
City: Nikolaev
Address: Prospect Geroev Stalingrada, 15V , Apt 79
Phone: 380 989467827
On web site:
Children: No
Occupation: -
Added: 17 Mar 2010
Photos:  1  2  3 

Reported by AntiScamers I know this person too
  Other Information: She did not ask me for money in letters on the site but when I went to meet her every day was shopping and more shopping. It seemed like there was no end to it. Perfume, clothes, shoes and restaurants that were so expensive that if those wer the real prices then I am sure that ukainians would never go there. She told me many times that I am her man and that I should take care of her but at the same time her profile was active for chat nearly every day on many sites!

Reports (1)  AntiScamers(Mar 10) 
Letters 0
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