AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: vera
Second name: petrova
Age: 30
Country: Russia
City: Ivolginsk
Address: 671050mirnaya 15 street flat 10
Phone: -
On web site:
Children: -
Occupation: Other
Added: 01 Nov 2011
Photos:  1  2 

Reported by charric I know this person too
  She said in her 1st letter she was coming to the US in 2 weeks and wanted to know more about me then was in my profile.(i didn't have a profile so i knew it was a scam) In the next 3 letters she asked for money for her passport and papers from the travel agency she was using in Moscow. She never wrote more then 4 letters and i haven't heard from her since.

Reports (3)  charric(Nov 11)  charric(Nov 11)  tracker09(Apr 09) 
Letters 1
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