AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Yana
Second name: Lounegowa
Age: 26
Country: Russia
City: Yuryuzan
Address: -
Phone: -
On web site: -
Children: No
Occupation: Other
Added: 05 Jan 2009
Photos:  1  2  3  4 

Reported by openarms09 I know this person too
  She is very clever. She contacted me in late September 2008. he spoke of her mother trying to get her brother raised since her father died in a terrible car crash. Later she talked of coming to visit me. Everything seemed legit until she found out the the airfare had risen and needed $ 950. Since she promised to pay me back and my heart going out to her misfortunes, I sent her the money. Then she had some meetings with her embassy to get the approval to come abroad. All went well until her last meeting where she had to prove "financial stability" during her stay visting me. She lacked the money and said that it was just to prove them that she had the money. She promised me profusely that as soon as she got off the plane, she would give me all the money back at that time. I hesitantly and reluctantly sent her the $ 2000 as requested again by Western Union. After realizing that I was scammed, I contacted, FBI, Interpol, and the dating website about the issue. It is very embarassing and humiliating. I have seen here picture here but with dfferent names.

Reports (2)  tom_b1968(Sep 09)  openarms09(Jan 09) 
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