AntiScam Club
HoroscopesScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers


She loves freedom and independence therefore it's not easy for her to make a decision to get married. Many women of this sign remain alone or divorce, nevertheless their life is never boring and monotonous. A woman-Sagittarius can be very happy in a marriage if she finds a suitable partner for her. A man with a limited scope, jealous and with brightly expressed possessive instincts is positevely contra-indicated for her. Women of this sign are perfect patrners for men loving intelligent, merry and enthusiastic women. Perfect partners for Sagittarius: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Acquarius, Lion Match Sagittarius more or less: Scorprio, Carpricorn
Don't match Sagittarius: Aries, Cancer

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