AntiScam Club
HoroscopesScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers


They are exclusively feminine and sensitive. If a man disappoints her then her impetuosity reduces and can disappear at all but if he tries to restore her good opinion about him then a woman will do everything possible to help him. She starts a new romance with pleasure because it promises new adventures, she befriends with men with big desire but a different matter. A typical for Acquarius fear - to lose freedom and to exchange a big, inviting and undiscovered world on a small, narrow and limited one - follows her. But if she's made up her mind then she will be a kind, benevolent and not jealous wife who is always ready to help her husband and children. Perfect partners for Acquarius: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius Match Acquarius more or less: Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Acquarius, Pisces
Don't match Acquarius: Scorpio, Taurus, Lion, Carpricorn

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